Wednesday, January 20, 2016

GARBAGE DAY...........................

 Wednesday gray morning with
 San Francisco Scavengers showing
 up early and waking me up! Not often
 but today. Almost beat me to getting
 out garbage on time. Not a crime.
 Weather is right for season but damp
 really sucks but don't know where to
 go to spend some bucks. Alaska does
 look beautiful but absolutely COLD!
 I'm not that bold so until summer that
 is put on hold.............

 Media caught up in own nonsense all
 about "not seeing coming of Trump."
 "How could we be such humps?"
 Now calling card of media chumps.
 Always talking about "change" and in
 own minds have to rearrange ideas of
 Trump being non lasting chump with
 REAL money pump! Has told all the non
 believers to go jump! He is filet and they
 are rumps............state dinners will never
 be the same........only ourselves to blame?

   Barry McChangky              *>:) devil        QUACK!




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